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FEMS Affiliates Letter - February 2021
1. Microbiology News and Events
Vaccines in the Time of COVID-19
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Annual Conference of the Association of General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM)
More information and registration
NIDO2021 – XVth International Nidovirus Symposium
Abstract Submission
Two FEMS Editors-in-Chief recognized with Special Merit Award
See the awards 
FEMS Science Communication Award 
a nomination 

FEMS Webinars
Big Thank You To Our Reviewers!
Our community of FEMS reviewers
2. Publications
Development of vaccines at the time of COVID-19
Investigating the culturable atmospheric fungal and bacterial microbiome in West Texas: implication of dust storms and origins of the air parcels
Exploring the abundance, metabolic potential and gene expression of subseafloor Chloroflexi in million-year-old oxic and anoxic abyssal clay
Are recently deglaciated areas at both poles colonised by the same bacteria?
Bacterial cell proliferation: from molecules to cells
Epstein–Barr virus infection modulates blood–brain barrier cells and its co-infection with Plasmodium falciparum induces RBC adhesion
D-glucose overflow metabolism in an evolutionary engineered high-performance D-xylose consuming Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain
Out Now: Thematic Issue on Metabolite Transport
3. Grants Corner
Meeting Attendance Grants (1 March)
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FEMS Congress Attendance Grants (18 March)
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Meet FEMS Research and Training grantee Johanna Burtscher
Find out more about the FEMS Grants
4. Opportunities
Microbiology Society: Annual Confernece Online 2021
Register your place today
Job of the Month
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Opportunity Board Hot Links
5. Extras
Science|Business Bulletin No. 915

23 February 2021
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Book: Small, Smaller, the Smallest – Essays on Microbiology
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New OUP Read and Publish agreements: Jisc and FinElib
Full list of institutes and journals in OUP Read and Publish agreements