We wish everyone in the microbiology community the very best over this festive period and hope you are all staying sage and well. This past year will not only be remembered by the pandemic, but also by the flexibility in our community to find solutions and work together when faced with many hurdles. · At the beginning of the year, we welcomed our new member, the Kosovo Society for Microbiology. ·The Association Francophone d'Ecologie Microbienne successfully applied for membership and will be member as of 2022. · World Microbe Forum, the online version of the FEMS Congress and ASM Microbe, attracted attendees from 114 countries. Besides inspiring and connecting scientists, the event was one that broke down silos and enabled 11 organizations to collaborate in organizing the event. · As our event activities – while still online – grew, our team welcomed a new Events Assistant, Malin Inzinger. · While all onsite events in 2021 had moved online or were postponed, in October registration for the 2022 Conference on Microbiology in Belgrade opened. · The first events where application submission, registration, and payment were being run via our CRM system, were the FEMS Summer Schools. · FEMS launches a Science Communication Award and Early Career Microbiologist Award. Awardees were respectively Claudia Godinho (Portuguese Society for Microbiology) and Elisa Granato (Microbiology Society). · Two FEMS Editors-in-Chief, Rich Boden and Max Haggblöm were awarded Special Merit Awards in recognition of their long-term significant contributions to FEMS. · New FEMS Industrial Placement grants were launched at the end of the year. · FEMS Journals encouraged submissions for Open Access OA journals, among others by the formation of a group of Section Editors in microLife to help with commissioning articles, providing advice and advocating the journal to the community. · The journal microLife has started its own twitter channel: @microLifeJrnl · bioRxiv integration with ScholarOne will be in place for FEMS Microbes and FEMS Yeast Research from December 2021 · FEMS Microbiology Letters switches to double-anonymized peer review · Sang-Ki Rhee, Ambassador for South Korea, stepped down from the role due to his retirement, and he suggested a successor, Jung-Hye Roe from Seoul National University (Korea), who kindly accepted the invitation. · To support IMD 2021, we launched our Microbe Art Competition, for the third year in a row. The competition hashtag #MicrobeArt2021 received over 800,000 impressions across social media. · The FEMS Working Group on Business & Policy helped prepare the FEMS Industry Placements (FIP) and organizing two sessions at World Microbe Forum. · A live stream discussion with 6 women scientists for International Women's Day on issues faced by Women in Science saw 788 views on Twitter, 409 views on Facebook, and the YouTube recording being viewed over 300 times. · The FEMS podcast “Microbes and Us” has been launched in May and has expanded quickly. |