Collaboration Portal for IPG now open
FEMS Conference on Microbiology coming in hot! Online registration still possible and Save the Date for FEMS2023! 
Go to the conference website
#FEMSmicroBlog Writting Competition
More about the competittion
Opportunities Board Highlight: Superbugs - A new interactive & interdisciplinary education resource about the microbial word 
Go to the Superbugs website
Grant applications, approaching dealines!
Go to our grants page
Ongoing support is available for ECRs caught up in the war in Ukraine
Go to FEMS Ukraine Support Grant
FEMS Microbes - building a more open future
Go to FEMS Microbes
Poster Science from Microbio22!
Watch Now
#FEMSmicroBlog: How bacteria can save a frog’s skin
Read the blog entry here
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